It's a shame that I see most reviews written here about CenturylLink service they have received through the 800 number provided instead of going into a CenturyLink sales store and speaking face to face with a sales consultant. My experience with ALL cable providers are they raise their rates after promotional periods and this is why we switch to other carriers. I am going on my 3rd year with CenturyLink due to not only product satisfaction but customer satisfaction. I just visited the sales store after being on the phone with CenturyLink yesterday for a 1/2 hour and the sales representative did NOTHING to help me but after 10 minutes here Jackie just not only helped me from my rates being increased but upgraded my service and lowered my rates. It pays to go into the CenturyLink sales stores and talk to a representative one on one and save money. It's very sad to see all the negative posts about CenturyLink on a sales store location vs places they should be. I apologize to those who are having such horrible service, perhaps you should stop by your neighborhood sales store.