The only club we had to pay cover for. Boo to that.
I'm glad the club was big because it gave us enough space to avoid certain people that didn't know that no means no... Too bad one of the upstairs parts had a dead end, because we were cornered at one point.
It was Saturday night, and I dressed up kind of like girly girl in spikey heels and swishy little dress.
But it was Perfecto, electronicy music that is a different style of dance than that wiggling-in-a-spot-top-40 style, and my little spikey heels killed my feet after dancing for less than an hour.
Wear comfy shoes if you want to dance properly... But this advice sucks and I never follow it because how can you make yourself look tall and thin and sexy in flat runners that violate dress-codes? The price of cuteness is pain. So suck it up and take an Ibuprofen (don't mix tylenol with alcohol, ok? that is bad 4 your liver)