What is a Beaver Tail? It's like a flattened doughnut that's like a foot long and about 4 inches wide. They are made fresh to order so you will have to wait for it but because it's nice and hot it's worth it.
These things are anything but good for you but who cares? You only live once and as long as it's not your staple, once in a while won't hurt as long as they are only a treat and not a way of life.
What topping would you like for your tail? Well have a look at the menu. Yes, those prices are in Canadian dollars. These things are not cheap and you are not at a fair. For what it's worth they are generous with the toppings but ya these things cost like you are buying a submarine except that there is no meat and they are about a quarter as filling. They are a little expensive for the amount of food you get but they are good.
I just like them plain really, but the Nutella would be nice too.