OK so when in Vegas I like to slum it. I stay downtown. No fancy eats for me. Mermaids is a dirty run down dive of a video poker/slots casino. They will serve you a ton of free miller light draft and rotgut liquor mixed drinks though while you play penny and nickel slots or poker. One of their major draws though is their cheap food. Drink a lot and you won't notice it is not exactly the kind of place you want to eat. They have Nathans hot dogs for a buck a piece and then you can top that off with an awesome trio of fried Oreos or a fried Twinkies. The oreos and twinkies are coated in a funnel cake batter and fried. I tried both and the Oreos were awesome. The batter combined with the chocolate and cream of the Oreo are just right. Then throw in some powdered sugar and chocolate sprinkles! Really you have to try it. Sure it is bad for you but you are going to die anyway so why not have fun. I did not care for the Twinkie as much but it was still good. Be ready to wait in a line though as this place is packed. 2 Nathans dogs and 3 fried Oreos for 3.xx is a great bargain. Might as well wash it down with a Four Loko from the store next door for a total ghetto experience! Warning this is a 21 and up place only.