Several weeks ago I took my dog Congee to a different vet. He's a 5 year old dog that acts like he's 15. The new vet prescribed the same medication he's always been on, but recommended a generic brand and told me about a pharmacy that would call me to fulfill the prescription. Compared to what I'd paid at 1-800-PET MEDS - $65 for a 1 month supply, I now pay $37 for a 2 month supply. It was all pretty low effort for me, but I think it probably helped that the vet office works with Road Runner pharmacy as I didn't have to go through the regular hassle of getting Pet Meds the prescription from the vet.
RoadRunner called me up (fast, efficient and very professional) ... took all my credit card info over the phone and 2 days later I got the package in the mail (Free shipping!). I'd say I'm pretty satisfied with the service and would definitely recommend them to any other pet owners who need to get regular medication for their pets.