When living in Sunnyside I decided it was time to have the bra situation dealt with once and for all!
I like so many others just usually guessed at my size and bought whatever sorta fit.
I was intimiated at first but the ladies really helped me out. She helped me pick out pretty bras and after I had them on she came into the room with me to check to see if it really fit me properly.
Apparently I have been wearing my bra 'wrong' all my life. She grabbed the back of the bra and pulled it down showing me that it should be much lower than I was wearing it. She told me that I should never have to wear its on the very smallest hook, if so its too big! She also (which was quite funny) grabbed the middle of the front of the bra and wiggled it back and forth just to make sure the 'girls' were actually 'in there'. Luckily i'm not the kind of person who minds help in this area from another woman, some might have not like that kind of physical contact!
In the end she found me two beautiful bras (both totally different sizes because they came from different parts of the world!), the price was high, but I was just happy to find something that fit, felt comfortable and didnt make me readjust a million times a day!
Thank you ladies of the Cat's PJ's I really appreciate your help!