| - Considering there are plenty of kebab restaurants opening everywhere in the westend of GTA, I am very disappointed in Nader. I was looking forward to this place opening some time ago. It finally did and I was impressed by the size of the place. It was promising. The food was pretty good.
The downfall of this place? BAD MANAGEMENT!
They can't seem to figure out whether they are a cafeteria style or a sit down. They started cafeteria style. Then their price went up and all of a sudden they're a sit down. Months later, the restaurant didn't seem to increase in patrons and I visited and all of a sudden, they no longer serve tap water. When I spoke to the manager, she said, they technically do not have to serve tap water. An obvious money grabbing technique. I promised myself livid of this that I would never return.
However, one night with my husband, parents and children we found ourselves there once again. We stood in front of a sign that said "Please wait to be seated." Staff passing by in an empty restaurant and not one of them came to seat us. Alright...almost 10min later, a staff passes by "Can I help you?" ....uhhhh... "We're waiting to be seated?" Well here's his wonderful response, "Oh you have to order your food from the front and then seat yourself." Well then...I indicated that they should remove this sign by the door then.
Starving family in an empty restaurant, I stood behind a couple who are ordering for what seems like 30people. Individual orders...for take out. I stood there for another 10 min waiting for this couple to figure out what they were ordering. Meanwhile, about 5 staff members stood behind and in front of the counter twiddling their thumbs. Finally, I interrupted and asked..."Is there anyway to make an order for sit in?" Manager arrives...(same manager with the water debacle) "Oh, I can help you here!" Well then....
That was the end of that. Never again Nader. It is unfortunate, you will not survive. You need to hire a proper manager who will run the place better. Let go of that manager! She's terrible!