I got to know that this sandwich shop originally hailed from SF - and the only location so far is out in Mesa.
Have to say - the size of these sandwiches were monstrous! Putting two halves together is a size I can't fathom! $10 for a sandwich that big - seriously?!?! Awesome deal I think.
The sandwich itself? Quite good! The sandwich bread was "Dutch" so quite crunchy but tasty at the same time. Vegetarians - there is a whole section devoted for us on the menu!!
The bear hug was supposed to have vegan breaded chicken as the patty but since they were out of stock, ended up getting vegan turkey. I didn't really mind if it was chicken or turkey because at the end the soy products end up tasting the same. Have nothing to compare it to!
None the less, the sandwich was delicious and I loved the touch of stuffed jalapeƱo poppers in the bear hug sandwich! Wow!
To finish every sandwich meal, they throw in a caramel apple lollipop - sweet end to a large meal!