| - I've been here on only one occasion and, believe me, that was enough. You know you're at a janky bar/restaurant/club/(whatever this is trying to be) when you go to the bathroom and someone almost jumps you because you don't have a lighter. Seriously, that's very indicative of the low-class that appear to frequent this bar. Seriously, as soon as the sun went down and the moon rose this place turned into a horror show of people.
Oh, the food was really yummy buuuut it took a little over two hours, yes, TWO HOURS for our group of twelve to be served our dinners. One of our friends also wasn't told that what she ordered was unavailable until 45 minutes after she ordered. Absolutely unacceptable. The drink my girlfriend got, a frozen margarita, tasted of pure sugar and no alcohol. I'm not one to skimp out on anything, but frozen kool-aid pretending to be alcohol is not worth the $9 that drink cost. The waitress also only refilled my water once over this three hour span as she seemingly went MIA.
After sundown this place also turned into the weirdest (and not in a good way) mix of probably the worst CLE has to offer...30K millionaire d-bags, creepy old dudes, sloppy drunk 30something women, thug wannabes, the list goes on.
In summation, if you don't want to feel like you're about to get stabbed whilst in a restroom, vomited on, or creeped on, avoid Shooters and head to a classy joint like TownHall in Ohio City or Treehouse in Tremont.