I called Mountain Valley to get a quote on the cost to replace 2 bathroom faucets in my master. I was in a bit of a hurry to get this done, so I accepted their quote of $199, even though the price seemed high (I'm familiar with the process... and have seen it done in 15 minutes... but didn't want to spend hours trying to do it myself).
The plumber came out to my house and was nice and friendly and all that good stuff. He replaced the faucets in about 30 minutes (for 2 of them) and gave me an invoice for $400. What!?!? I was quoted $199! He informed that was the price for ONE faucet, not two. I told him that I was very clear on the phone about needing two replaced. He basically told me that there was nothing he could do about it and that the work was already done.... and then stood there in silence.
Looking back, I wish I would have refused payment and called and spoke to a manager.... but I didn't. So, I just bit my tongue, but came on Yelp to warn everyone to be VERY VERY clear about pricing with this company. I think many of us are weary of service companies to begin with, so once my trust is lost, I have a hard time using the company again.