| - My story with Wally.. Driving Corona, CA to Las Vegas, for a family matter and my Acura transmission cooks going up the Baker grade.. Tow it to the hotel in Vegas and search on Yelp and call Wally.. The car makes the 1.5 mile trip at 20 mph, from the hotel. Wally drives me downtown, where I needed to go and calls me later to say, the tranny, is bad, but he refilled it with fluid, drove it around and might get it back to So. Cal, if I drive very slow. He picks me up at the hotel to his shop and when I ask how much I owe him, he says nothing. I said let me at least pay for the fluid you put in and refused, saying, I'm from out of town. I was stunned to say the least. If you need your Honda, Acura repaired, this is the place to do it.