| - Summerlin Library may be older, smaller, and windowless, but I dig it -- who needs natural sunlight anyway? Books don't need Vitamin D.
The library is organized well (as it should be!). Books there are easy to find, and I don't have to go on lengthy book hunt. However, I sometimes wonder if the library's size is also its disadvantage, because I often see book-filled carts parked by the entrance and throughout the library just ready for the pickin'. Makes me wonder if this library is unable to accommodate for new shipments.
Being a big kid at heart, the children's section is one of my favorites, because there are plenty of Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss books. The comic book cart located in the other half of the library is also a favorite of mine. There aren't many comic books to choose from, but it's worth a look.
Not all libraries in the valley are equipped with self-checkout counters, but Summerlin Library has several. No more having to nervously stand in line for a librarian to retrieve a reserved copy of Steven Segal's latest straight-to-DVD movie, or "Raising Chickens for Dummies".
I haven't had much interaction with the staff, but they're always around if you ever need of assistance, like if you're experiencing some electronic drama with the self-checkout machine.
The Centennial and Windmill libraries are favorites of mine because they seem to carry more books. Plus, they're newer and they have windows. But I do like the Summerlin Library for what it has to offer.