oh alas my Athenian Express our relationship was cut short by your niche ours of operations. as you see my dear. i only live downtown. so our short lived affair can only be just that. short. your Gyro Picado was tasty and you carried the heat that i enjoy in my relationships. the 4lbs of french fries were lovely, crisp, but waaaay too many. i truly appreciate your abundant portions, but i do not feel a need to gorge myself on your bounty.
ok lame love poems aside. this place is a great little greekish noshery. the patty melt my friend got looked awesome, we can more or less confirm the pre-formed patty observed by another yelper. but it was still grilled to perfection, sporting American cheese as by friend likes it was also a gold star.
she works in spitting distance to this place. unfortunately i work in Tempe. i was off on PTO today so figured would get lunch together. oddly enough another good friend was having lunch there too...great minds think alike they say..i concur.
atmosphere is typical sit down with some Chicago sport memorabilia on the side. GO CUBBIES!!!
i would certainly be here more...if not for the hours of operation. this downtown area needs to pick up on the weekends so places like this will have a reason to be open on the weekenders. alas..i don't' think that will happen anytime soon. till then Athenian. i love your lunch.