"Hi, I need some translucent blot powder... dark I think."
"Uhm, well, do you remember which powder you were asked to pick-up?"
"Well it's for me, so yeah. It's the Studio Fix blot powder with sheer coverage for controlling shine under studio light."
(Salesperson is dumbfounded, and has a look of, "oh, this guy knows what he's talking about.)
When I was in Tucson working in Television my friend Venessa and Mac maven got me hooked and I haven't wavered since. It's not often I'm pulling out a compact and powering my nose, but when I do (twice a month on NBC15's Hot Trends... shameless plug) I grab me some Mac. There were 12 salespeople today, all of them eager to help me find what I was looking for, but not in a pushy way.
And for some reason one of them (and I've shopped a few Mac counters) always has blue hair. What's that about?