Probably the best tanning salon in the north valley!
I cannot express enough how awesome this place is! They have everything you need when it comes to getting your tan on all over one roof! They also have a hair salon inside as well. What a great idea. Get your tan and hair done in one location! Brilliant! Very sleek and hip atmosphere, they have all kinds of cool newer model beds. From stand up bass to lay down and even leg tanners! There extreme stand up bed is my favorite! All you really need is 5 minutes and your good to go with that one! I love it, like a fat kid loves cake!!
When it comes to general knowledge and safety using the UV beds Darrel and Diane really know their stuff. Every time I am in there. I see them expressing the urgency of how to safely tan to avoid injury or over exposure. After listening to them talking about the details of tanning and how it reacts to individuals differently, I see there really is a science to keeping a great time and healthy skin in the future. I will "piggy back my days" Darrel! Thanks for the cool helpful advice. I have noticed my tan getting better and my skin is starting to hold the moisture now!
If you are ever in the area, stop in the check this place out! You will be amazed! Say hello to Darrel and Diane while you're there!