If you're looking for overpriced, incomplete service from unfriendly stoner halftards, this is the bike shop for you.
I went in for some simple maintenance and half of the work wasn't completed. When I pointed this out, the employee offered me the parts so I could do it at home. What's the point of having your bike serviced if you don't even do the servicing? Isn't that THE BUSINESS YOU ARE RUNNING?
The service that was completed was done poorly and the bike was left squeaky and almost unridable. The breaks squealed like a country jamboree hog and the gears jammed more times than a public library printer.
The staff genuinely needs to put down their bongs and learn to count. Literally. I was charged the wrong amount TWICE, after watching the employee painfully try to complete simple addition in his head.
When I pointed out the error, the employee shrugged and muttered "good catch." It's called a calculator, bro.
With dozens of well-run bike shops in Toronto, don't make the same mistake I did. #mybikeistsillbroken