So at one point in time I thought I was cool and thought I could be a DJ so I went out and bought two turntables and mixer. With no money left over I resorted to creating a record collection from picking through the garbage. Nevertheless it makes for a weak mixing collection so I saved my pennies and started to buy real decent records.
Long story short I moved and sent my record players ahead in the mail to my dismay they were stolen. So now my no talent wannabe ass was just left with records. After moving a few more times and lugging these boxes around with me I felt it was time I let them go and leave BPMs to the pros. Thats when I found LunchBox records, a righteous establishment who took time out of their day to sift through my mess. They took about a 1/4 of the records and rightly so because most of them sucked and or were damaged. They gave me good money on the spot and I felt we all came out like winners.
This record store is also really cool anyways with hip edgy unique selections you probably would know how to even mail order. They obviously care about the music and are extremely knowledgeable. so if its time to feel like your cool then stop and get something you won't be hearing on the radio and develop a taste of your own instead drivel the man feeds you
Parking is behind the building