All of their departments are fine except RENTALS. Long lines, poor to fair customer service, very little knowledge of proper sizing, and really disorganized.
*Incident 1: I'm an adult and they rented me Jr skis. One ski ended up broken and the guy who fitted me said he didn't know he was supposed to size me off of height and weight. (Train your staff!)
*Incident 2: I rented skis and poles (no boots since I have my own) for a quick trip to Snowbowl. I get on the mountain and realize SP rented me two DIFFERENT size poles AND set my skis for a pair of boots AT LEAST THREE SIZES BIGGER. So, I had to go to the repair shop at Snowbowl and have them reset my skis and stand in the forever long rental shop for a pair of poles. It was so frustrating!!
**In both incidents my rental $ was refunded by SP, but I just want them to do it right**