| - I have made this place my weekly go to place. The pho in Glendale has really made me dislike pho but 43rd Express has redeemed pho for me. Their pho is that good. Also, I used to think BBH was not for me. BBH has been redeemed thanks to 43rd Express. They have now been my standard for comparing good pho to bad pho, for all phos, even back at home.
I always want dessert after Vietnamese food so 43rd Express is a one stop shop. I come on the weekend to stockpile on macaroons and depending on how much room I saved, I might eat two macaroon ice cream sandwiches (go away, I know they are big, but it is that good okay).
From my experience, pho restaurants want nothing to do with you other than you order, eat, pay, and get out, however this family is very friendly; all of them. They are smiling, chatting, or helping you if you have any questions (but for reals, I think if you shut your eyes and picked something on the menu, you will not be disappointed).
My only gripe is I don't like driving in this neighborhood and I think the roof paint originally used to be red, but the wretched Arizona sun has faded it pink... but hey, maybe that is their charm.
Overall, highly recommend. Great portions, great service, great dessert.