I have a 3 year old and a newborn. We went through 4 different pediatricians for my oldest before finding Anthem Hills and sticking with them. Dr. LaMotte and Dr. Jack are both amazing. I am perfectly fine with taking my kids to either one of them, whoever has availability. The front office staff is friendly, the rooms are always clean, and the wait is not bad at all. There have been times where we have waited up to 20 minutes, but that is usually when I take the last appointment of the day and the waiting room is pretty full with patients. If I go in in the morning, we are in and out in under 30 minutes. My son was born with a slightly lopsided head, and Dr. Jack was the one to notice it and send him for a CT scan to rule out craniosynostosis. The results came back negative, and she called me the next day to let me know. He also had high jaundice levels when he was born and had to have multiple blood draws done. Dr. LaMotte always called me in the evening on her personal time to give me the results. Both doctors seem to really care for their patients, and remember them between visits. I have been to other pediatricians that didn't remember very important things I had told them at previous visits, so I love that these doctors keep accurate notes and make it a point to make the kids feel comfortable.