| - For those of you true antique-ers in the Charlotte area, this place is for you. It is a real antique store; the kind that has that musty sort of smell when you walk in, of a compilation of scents from all of the old houses the items came from many years ago. The kind of place where no matter which direction you decide to begin scouring, you will instantly find a doll staring at you that freaks the crap out of you and makes you jump out of your own skin. This is that place.
Although it is located behind the Park Road Shopping Center, and a bit hard to find, people definitely know it is here - there were several people shopping around and a few who were pulling up their cars to load up furniture pieces. Among the items I saw where a freaky paper mache bunny with a haunting picture of a little girl, an old and dusty lamp that was a brass elephant, and several old bird cages. In the middle of everything was an almost new looking set up pottery barn dishes, the young one amongst all the old timers.
No employee here asked me if I needed help during my stay, which is the way it should be, given it is an antique store and people come here in search of things that only they will know when they see. It would have felt wrong for someone to offer assistance unless asked. If you are into the old furniture and home decor, you should definitely swing by this place. Just be prepared to scavenge your way through.