Pages is my favorite indie bookstore in the city. Unlike some others which resort to cavernous spaces stocked with huge amounts of product, Pages emphasizes quality over quantity.
The magazine section alone is unparalleled in this town, I hate to start with the featherweight reading but if you've ever known the frustration that is Big Box Books with their hundreds of hundreds of auto magazines and not an indie rag in sight, you'll know why I rave. Not only are they stocked with some of the coolest and harder to find titles, but also a good selection of local zines, something which you see fewer and fewer of these days.
As for books Pages has you covered - from art and film to travel, novels (graphic or text) and nonfiction, whatever you're looking for can likely be found in the store. Unless you're looking for the latest Grisham title, in which case you're better off wandering to the Chapters at Richmond and John. Sometimes I wonder if Pages is doing ok with that huge book behemoth so nearby, but then I realized that they are like apples and oranges.