| - Their menu is very simple. Pick your burger, hot dog, or sandwich. Then you can pick as many free toppings you want on your selected item. Technically it's not free since you gotta pay for your selection. But then again, you don't pay extra if you decide to have them put ALL the toppings in your burger. This is where I have to actually stop and think about the value of my choice. Yes I actually had them put ALL the toppings on my burger. This is good or bad depending on how you look at it. GOOD: Definitely got value for my money. Filled me up. You get to taste how every single topping is put together and based on that, you get to experiment how certain toppings can blend better than others. BAD: Very messy. As soon as you take that first bite, you may have some or all toppings come falling out (to me, a messy burger is a good sign of enough ingredients to keep your tastebuds on your toes). Obviously I wouldn't recommend you eating this in your car even if you are parked. You might get heartburn if you have a weak stomach.
Now as for the pricing, I ordered a bacon cheeseburger with everything. It cost about 6 dollars and some change. Not bad. Of course you gotta have some of their fries and a drink to wash it down with. So total for my whole meal was about 13 something. Definitely just a tad more than In n Out which for some reason is the other burger joint that everybody is comparing it to.
Their fries alone are pretty tasty. Pretty greasy but good. I have yet to see fries that are baked or grilled taste any better. Now if you do get the fries, they have two sizes. Small and large. The small in itself is a nice size so if you wanna share that you can't go wrong. What I don't understand is why anyone would not order their fries cajun. The fries are already good by themselves but damn, having them sprinkle the cajun spices on your fries is like putting ice cream and hot fudge on a brownie. It's that much better! I'm sure you have heard the term, "Put a little spice in your life". Well, the cajun fries are just that!
Their coke machine is not just any soda machine. It's what every fast food restaurant should have! So many choices of beverages and even some you never heard of! I think after this review I will contact the Coke company and demand this as the norm for every fast food joint they are in.
Oh, did I mention the free peanuts you can eat while you are waiting for your order? I guess if you really wanna be stingy, you can just order a burger and ask a cup for water. Then fill up on the peanuts! I have actually seen somebody do this so if you wanna save money than by all means!
So overall, with their good service you will have a pretty good experience. Just be prepared to spend a little more than you're used to especially if you are feeding a family of 4 or more. For more info especially for a list of all the toppings you can have, go to their website,
Happy eating!