Do not go to this office - the workers including the so called office manger Lisa Clausell run the office like a zoo. I have been living a dental nightmare with these people for months...I initially had gone in for some gum irritation . They decided I needed a root canal and decided that the bridge I had needed to be replaced ? Not sure why as I had no issues with it - sent me to a specialist to fix an issue they did not know how to handle.They did some gum lasor therapy on the area I initially game in for which essentially burned away all the tissue around my tooth . They did a root canal and took out a bridge that I was having no issues with weeks to get new "permanent bridge as they order from out of state - really? Was still having the same pain as when I initially went in so then they sent me to a "specialist ". Coast Dental had maxed out my insurance so I paid the
"specialist" 100% on two different appointments. The Temporary bridge fell out leaving teeth I had root canals done on "exposed " for a week which was very painful. I go in to get my "permanent " bridge a few days ago and guess what it doesn't fit! Also that the root canals the specialist (Endodontist) did had "temporary fillings and that they needed to put permanent filling in the teeth the bridge would be attached to. They ended up having to take out the fillings the specialist did and put permanent fillings then I had to get impressions doen for yest another temporary bridge and another impression for another permanent bridge which yes- will take another 3 weeks to get . Well the temporary bridge they just put in lasted for 2 days.... my phones calls are not returned- I was told on a voicemail if there is emergency to page a tel but no response .. yet they have been paid. I have had several x-rays on every visit... I will not pay this freak show office a penny more...