No listings for this big business in Tempe?? Should have been my first clue. I'll try to be brief and keep my rage hidden. After shopping for a refrigerator we settled on a used one from Appliance Depot. They had a good selection, and offered delivery. Strike one: delivery was delayed. I don't know why. I don't really care. All i know is I got a call and said "we can't deliver today". Despite having scheduled the delivery 6 days earlier. When the fridge finally did arrive we got it in and plugged in. Next morning, no cold food. Service tech was out soonish. There is quite a blur in the past 9 days of exactly how many times the service guy came, and how many parts were replaced. Computers, compressors, driers, wires, etc. ever had to throw away the contents of your fridge? Repeatedly? Ever lived with a leaky cooler in your new house acting as a fridge holding only a gallon of milk for the kids a gallon of water and some eggs for a week? If this is your idea of roughing it, head right out to Appliance Depot, and select anything in the store. You won't be disappointed!!! Please avoid this place. Learn from my mistake and just go buy a new one with a manufacturer warranty. Today is day nine. I still don't have a working fridge.