rain was closed for christmas.
pure was closed for christmas.
tryst was closed for christmas.
tao was open for christmas but a endless gigantic line scared us.
tangerine was open for christmas and no line.
we were on the vip list so we walked right in.
we walked through the dance floor, out to the heated patio, and to the bar. no congestion no pushing no pulling.
i loved the fact that i was able to order my drinks without waiting in line and with my normal talking voice instead of shouting "CRANBERRY VODKA WITH A SPLASH OF CHAMBORD!!!"
my friends and i had a great time dancing (yes, actually dancing) drinking, and meeting people. i know this isn't the vegas "IT" club, but it is a nice place to just hang out with friends.
tangerine is a vegas club minus craziness, crowd-ness, hoochie-ness and drunkness... i guess this place isn't very vegas.