| - I can't understand why this place has almost 5 stars...I have given this place FIVE chances!! Five different days, different times just to see if I get any luck.
No luck, this place is always packed! I know what you're saying, make an appointment right? I ALWAYS do and yet I have to wait at least 20 minutes. The staff there is extremely unprofessional. I'll just explain my last experience...
I make an appointment 3 days prior because it was my day off. The appointment was for 4:00. They close at 7:00 I figured that was ample time for a mani/pedi combo. I walk in, it was not that packed so I had hope. I was told to sit and wait. I waited...and waited...10 minutes go by...then 15 minutes. I am finally shown to a table. OK getting my mani first, the guy starts with my nails and immediately says, "I don't think I can finish your nails, I have an appointment" to which I replied, "Well I have an appointment too." he asked "then you must be late" I was appalled. " appointment was at 4pm and you guys had me wait..." he didn't repsond so I brushed it off.
My nails at this point weren't buffed, the gel polish was scrapped off of my nails, very harshly if I might add. After 10 minutes of that. I was told to sit at a pedicure chair...OK? A very nice young lady helped me with my toes. She was telling me how all of the staff were going to a party afterwork blah blah blah. She was nice and did my toes nicely. I asked her if she was going to do my manicure and she looked at me like she saw a ghost, "Oh no! I can't do that I'm so sorry." Again...OK. So then this very rude women comes by and starts filing my nails. There was no warning when she came by so she startled me and I jumped. I laughed it off but in the most serious tone she says, "What? you don't want me to do your nail??" like almost yelling. I stayed quiet
So my pedicure was done (french on toes) it looked great! My nails however, weren't even buffed and they looked horrible. The rude lady left and I didn't know where she went to I was waiting while my toes were drying. After 40 minutes, she walks up to me and says, "You like my nails? I'm going to a party, see ya!"
Seriously?!? Aww hell no. I got up left 40 in cash at the front and get the hell outta dodge. They lost my business and hopefully this review will save another person from a horrible experience.