| - Long long story short, canceled prism cable service (kept internet) because the rates got too high after telling me they would adjust the price...never happened. Sent me a box to return everything, packed it up and shipped the next day, did not write the tracking # down because eh, I though they were trustworthy. Then I see a $336.00 charge (4 weeks later) on my account for un-returned boxes!! I called and chatted online, multiple times only to be told they have NO RECORD of returned equipment and don't keep tracking numbers and maybe call UPS to see if they can find it. Called to UPS and they said if they created the label they have it for 90 days automatically it stays there for 90 days! Finally had my husband call and talk to someone let them know we already talked to UPS and someone from their company and we WILL be having a refund, she says "oh, I see right here on the account is says we received the equipment, all they have to do is pull up your account" all these phone calls and chat conversations and photo were the same day within 1 hour of each other.
Update 9/1
No refund, checked my online acct with Centurylink and they credited it to my account to use for future bills, um no I want the money back in my account that you took from it. Called at 5:15 after work to Billing (India) transferred to Payment Specialist transferred BACK to Billing, then oh we need to TRANSFER you to returns. On hold until 6 pm when they close and kicked back to India. So I will call first thing when they open and wait all day if I have to someone will be speaking with me!
Update 9/15
After being told on 9/1 a check would be cut and mailed THE NEXT DAY, still no check. I called today, after being on hold for 45 min (The fastest it's ever been might I add) the lady tells me " I apologize, I am not sure who you spoke to but, we don't offer check refunds on active accounts only credits" So you are telling me I can cancel my account to get the check but you can not cut it now, when #1 you were NOT authorized to withdraw it and #2 it was YOUR error in billing. Now they are saying we are locked into a 24 month commitment of which we are only on month 4, we have never signed any paperwork other than our initial agreement 1.5 years ago for a 12 month term which we fulfilled and if we want to cancel it's a $200 ETF fee. I feel bad for whom ever takes my phone call EVERY DAY until I have a check in my hand.