On Saturday, August 12, I went inside as the drive thru was backed up. The cashier working the counter was great. The girl running the register was doing as much as she could do. There two employees who had such bad attitudes that I have decided I will not go back to this location. One had bright orange(?) hair. She was filling the drink orders for the drive thru. The girl wornking the register asked something. Ms. Hair snapped back "I'm not perfect" and then took two iced coffees to her. "This one has more cream in it. Do I need to take a picture for you?" The other employee was running the hot food for the drive thru. She looked at a cup and stated "if you don't start writing on the cups, I am going to start throwing coffee." I did not notice a manager.. I felt badly for the drive thru cashier. If anyone actually looks at these, I was in around 8:30 a.m..