I also live in the area, and find it ashame that a store that has the cutest jewelry and clothes could have the rudest employees. Not everyone, just a few. Mainly the owner. But usually the employees follow the owner's lead.
I bought a crepe material blouse and washed it on delicate and hung it to dry. I told the owner I DID NOT put it in the dryer. I take care of my clothes that I spend a lot of money for. This lady had the audacity to look me in the eyes after I told her I had not put it in the dryer and ask me again was I SURE that I had not put it in the dryer because nobody else had brought one of these blouses back.
I have NEVER been SO insulted in my life. Then she made me go find my purchase on my bank account since I couldn't find my receipt, even though the girl that sold it to me was standing right there and knew me and remembered me.
After ALL THAT.. I finally got my store credit. It about killed her to give it to me. I explained to the owner how much I liked her store , but how insulted I felt that she questioned my integrity. She apologized to me . I thought everything was good and I was going to continue to shop in her store. I went back about 2 months later to spend my store credit and look around. It took me being in the store 10 min before anyone even acknowledged me. When the owner finally looked at me , she remembered me and became very distant and did not offer to help me at all. It was very obvious. I have no idea why this lady thinks she has anything to be mad at me for????? She's the one who insulted me!!!' How would she have liked to have been in my shoes and been falsely accused?! If she had been polite when I went back into her store today I would have continued shopping even though I shouldn't have, but NOW I will NEVER go back just like a few other people that have felt the same way by their reviews. It is obvious by mine and other's reviews that the owner is very rude and does not provide good customer service therefore she will not keep longterm customers. I love pretty clothes and will continue to shop where I like and am treated well. I have only lived in the Charlotte area a little over a year and had shopped in this store every month until this happened. I felt the stuffiness , but nobody had ever been rude up until this point. I feel so sorry for this woman's employees. I wouldn't work for this woman for one day!!