| - This place is great if you're looking to plug in and work. They have music in the background, but it's not so loud that it's distracting. There are also a lot of outlets, which is super important. The best is the room in the back, where you can definitely share the power ports with others around you.
I came in on a Sunday around 11am, and there was only 1 other guy working there. I'm not sure how crowded it might normally be, but this was definitely the ideal spot if you're wanting to work or read a book.
The display case had both gluten and gluten-free items sharing the space. It looked like all the gluten items were wrapped up, and the gluten-free items were exposed. Not sure if this is ok with people having celiac, but just fyi.
I've forgotten the gentleman behind the counter, but I'm guessing from the vibe that everyone who works here is super chill and nice. I asked about an einspanner (or espresso con panna) and he didn't know what it was, but was totally down for making me one once I explained it. He also didn't judge me for requesting a decaf espresso, which makes me *heart* this place more.
You can tell they really care about their coffee, because he later came to the back of the room where I sat to ask if it tasted ok. He also noticed the library book I was reading and chatted me up about it. I know some people preferred to be left alone (including myself), but I enjoyed his friendly chatter. This is a nice non-pretentious neighborhood coffee shop.