| - I had a pretty good experience at the showroom and Gibsonia, Pennsylvania where I bought the mattress. The sales representative was very helpful but didn't tell me that there was a $149 fee for returning the mattress until he had already run my card for the full payment. When I went to the warehouse the following day to pick up my mattress, there was a completely different situation. A low level of courtesy and a low level of efficiency was the general rule there. To top that off, the representative who tied the mattress to the roof rack of my Honda Pilot insisted that he knew what he was doing. When questioned, he completely disregarded my input. On the drive home, I kept my speed at or below 45 mph. The mattress was tied down so loosely by such an incompetent person, that I was not only concerned for the mattress itself, but for my life and safety. The employee who did this did not give me any warning about the mattress lifting 8-10 inches off my car during transport, nor did he warn me not to drive at a normal speed. After a harrowing 45-minute drive, I was shocked to discover that the entire mattress had shifted backwards and was at 20 degrees aksew. They offered me slight compensation for the error later that day, but it would hardly make up for a major accident if that had occurred. To add insult to injury, they said that take no responsibility for the quality and safety of their mattress tie-downs. If anything happens as a result of an incompetent tie-down job, it is entirely the customer's problem.