The owners transplanted from the States and set up this Montreal landmark that's been around since the 1970's!
Solid BBQ.. served in a barn! Well, it looks and feels like a barn -- if a barn were two stories smack dab in the middle of a major metropolis. Very homey and down to earth, absolutely nothing fancy or hip-and-happening.
If you're tired of all the fancy French food and French women and French beer (yeah, craziness I'm sure), you can come here for a slab of Americana. Their portions will blow you away. They only serve two things: roast chicken or ribs. Men: order "The Whole Hog" and prepare to be humbled. So good, but you'll never finish it all.
P.S. Whatever you do, don't let your friends convince you to check out Baton Rouge. It's a Lousiana-style chain and it's pretty bad, especially their bland ribs. Bar-B-Barn or bust!