| - I get to dealership (which is heavily under construction) and the person I had an appointment with is nowhere to be found. Another guy goes to look for him and, after some waiting, he finally stops by for a few seconds to briefly shake my hand without looking at me before immediately walking away never to be seen or heard from again. The other guy, who I've apparently been pawned off on, goes to look for the vehicle that I'm interested in (apparently despite setting up an appointment for a test-drive no one bothered to pull the vehicle out of the back lot) leaving me once again sitting around alone twiddling my thumbs alone for another long stretch of time while everyone else in the room has people (or multiple people) helping them or at least acknowledging their existence. Eventually the car shows up and the guy doesn't even bother to scrape all the ice off the windshield before having me drive it around the area. He doesn't seem familiar with the vehicle while at the same time insisting I need the higher-end version, can't answer any questions (even regarding the difference between high-end and low-end options), and then as a fun bonus he makes a women drivers comment while talking about the free two-year Toyota maintenance package.
Despite all this, I still need a car so when he asks if I'm interested in seeing some numbers I say yes. The number he brings back was significantly higher than what the person I had the appointment with quoted me earlier that week and also had unnecessary additional insurance and warranty and floor mats and other nonsense tacked on. While I'm getting the price adjusted and all the extras removed, a random salesguy in a Scion shirt stops by for a minute and to ask why I'm interested in this vehicle rather than a Scion. I start to say that I had a particular Toyota model for twelve years which I loved but, before I can finish my sentence, he loudly cuts me off with SCION IS TOYOTA (while tugging at his polo logo) AND THIS CAR NOTHING LIKE YOUR OLD CAR (which is false, I did several hours worth of research before coming to the dealership). He shakes his head at me, implies I'm an idiot, and walks away. The guy I've been with all evening comes back with reprinted numbers at a 4.99% interest rate (I have an excellent 800+ credit score) for 72 months (I expressed interested in 36 months) and the extras not removed. At this point, I've given up but as a last ditch effort I ask if they ever offer a cash discount or 36-month-0% financing deal. Instead of answering my questions, the guy tells me that 4.99% interest is nothing and I won't even notice it.
I'm purchasing the vehicle elsewhere at a cheaper rate with better financing tonight.