| - These people are SCAM ARTIST!!
My roommate and I were new to Las Vegas and stumbled across this gym 3 years ago. The uncle and nephew who run the place seemed like nice people at first. They gave my friends and I a few free trial classes and on the last day of the free classes convinced us to sign up because they were offering a special that would be over soon. I was in a rush so my roommate and I agreed it sounded like a good idea and quickly signed the paperwork.
Less than a month later I received unfortunate news that I had to relocate back to CA for work, I called the three gyms I was a new member of - LVAC, a dance studio, and Fasi, to cancel. LVAC charged a $75 cancellation fee, the dance studio didn't charge me anything because I was there for such a short amount of time and I provided paperwork from both my work and proof of my change of address.
It was ONLY Fasi who gave me an EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TIME. For those who don't want to read on, in a nutshell they sent me to collections for over $4,000.
I had to have my lawyer write the collections agent (who told me that Fasi does this often) who then dropped Fasi as a client. NOW they are harassing my friend, who does not like confrontation so at the time continued to pay for another 6 months. She just received a phone call saying Fasi is suing her and 200 others for not "sticking to their 30 MONTH contract" a ridiculously long contract that NOBODY points out or informs you of while you are signing up. And when signing up they put you under the impression that if any life issues arise you can opt out ... they just don't mention the part where you are still responsible for 80% of your remaining contract. Which in my case was 29 entire months! Plus bogus check bounce fees for the entire 29 months that hadn't even occurred yet, plus a $500 fee for I can't even remember what, but in total they sent me to collections WITHIN A MONTH of me trying to cancel (and providing proof of my move!!) For more than $4000 in made up and ridiculous charges.
Not to mention, When I called Initially to cancel and explain my circumstances the owner/uncle answered the phone and acted sympathetic and told me it was not in his control and he would have to check with their billing department. He then called me back and said "billing said there is nothing we can do, I am so sorry". So I reached out to "billing" myself and his nephew answered the phone.. when I asked to speak to the person in charge of billing the call was forwarded to the uncle. I can't even remember their names any more.
Bottom line, DO NOT TRUST THESE PEOPLE. Bad business practices ! They make their money off of suing people who breach their contracts and not for their good business!
Beware !!