If you've gotta get around Calgary, particularly downtown where parking costs an arm and a leg assuming you even find a spot, why bang your head against your steering wheel when for a mere $2.50 you can hop a ride on the rails.
After attempting to drive around downtown in Calgary rushhour traffic, I think you might agree with me that Transit may just be your best option to avoid frustration.
The transit is pretty good in this city - most routes head downtown where everyone works anyway, they're on time, and there's even transit lanes to help the bus go faster than any car could anyways.
The C-Train is a great option to move masses of people from the 'burbs to the bright lights of downtown, and with multiple Park & Ride stations where you can park for free, it's a great way to get from Point A to Point B.
The only issue that I have is the late night cutoff time. For some dumb reason, there is no transit available after 1:30am. This poses a potential hazard and logistical issue for those who are out partying, or for the poor servers and bartenders trying to get home after a late shift. Not even on New Year's Eve, when masses of people are out partying well past midnight and need a safe ride home! Ridiculous.