| - I have never been into Harkins Camelview before, and wasn't extremely delighted with the theater itself. Seemed like a blast from the past, sort of old, dark and dreary. I like that they exclusively show narrowly distributed films, so if you're into that, this is the place to catch them. If you're looking for the latest release of superman, iron man, batman, spider man, or some other ___man, just walk inside the mall and catch it there.
If you're really into the indie's I'd check out film bar in downtown phoenix, this spot seems to be more for those studio films, that don't get picked up in wide distribution or in many markets. The movie we went to was just about sold out and we ended up in the front row by the time we got in. I normally object to sitting so close to the screen, but it really wasn't as bad as I was expecting.
Happy Yelping Phoenix, I'll see you at the movies!