First time patron and probably my last. Stopped in for a smoothie..I usually go to Earth Fare or Clean Juice but wanted to give it a chance to be added into rotation but I was completely disappointed. It was after the lunch crowd so I expected I wouldn't have too long of a wait. After for the cashier finally got off the phone, I placed an order for a Power PB&J. The cashier went to the back a brought out a container of strawberries and proceeded to twist the tops and put them in the blender. I asked if they had had been washed and his response was "oh let me get that". What? Was he going to use unclean fruit and make my smoothie? The menu indicates a choice of almond or peanut butter; I selected almond butter. Please tell me why a scoop of almonds were used? Nevertheless this is the grittiness smoothie ever :(. A waste of $7 and about 15 minutes!!