I am terrified of needles. I hate needles. I don't want to be anywhere around them. But last week, I had to come here because I was in tremendous amount of pain. I had this pain travelling from my tempo to my shoulder all the way to my arm. I took pain killers few days in a row and I finally couldnt take it anymore. It is time to try something else that might work.
I walked in with sweat over all over me. Even the Dr asked me if I was OK. I told him what the issue was, and he basically put needles all over my upper right body. I was as stiff as a zombie even thought he told me to relax (did I tell U I hate needles?)
When I got home, I was feeling sore and tired. Worried that I put myself thru all that for nothing...guess what? I slept like a baby the entire night and majority of the pain is gone! Some pain still lingers due to the severity of my case and he recommends me for several months of treatment. But guys....it was worth getting over all my fear of needles. Dr Lee is awesome and I'll definitely come back here again. He does accept insurance. If you haven't met your deductible or you don't have one, each treatment is $60/visit. Trust me it is worth it than taking pain killers