Pros: Quick Service. Good Pizza. Great view outside.
Cons: Pricey
So, pizza itself was really good even though it's kinda pricey for 4 slices but you just have to expect that. Chicken wings was really good too. One thing that impresses me so much to this place that I haven't seen anywhere else was all the servers, bus runners and manager mean business. They were all focused and did their job so quickly!! I was blown away on how they keep up every table. The moment you sit down, bus runner will give you water, then comes the server to takes your order and another bus runner will hand out your orders. I watched them for about 30 minutes and I couldn't believe what I see. It's like Boom! Boom! Boom! of service. I used to work at one of the high scale restaurants in Hawaii and I get mad with our bus runners coz they take their time knowing we were flooded with customers waiting outside.
I spoke to the manager expressing how I was really impressed for doing their jobs so good and in the end he suggested us to come back on Tuesday for a $5 off as being locals also here.