Hi, I'm really upset about the services you provided. I ordered my food at 6:30pm however the food is still nowhere to be seen at 8:40pm. I called Burger's Priest and apparently you only just placed my order less than 10 minutes ago. For the past 1.5 hours that me and my 16 coworkers have been waiting, we could have cabbed to Burger's Priest ourselves and picked up the food.
Similar incident happened a few months ago when we were trying to order Ghandi's Roti through you guys and the order got cancelled almost an hour after I submitted it, due to the number of items in our order exceeding the maximum number of items per bag, which was never communicated to us before I submitted the order and I was not given a call on my cellphone for the notification. You should not be named Hurrier for this kind of speed. If you are short-staffed and takes 1.5 hours to assign one hurrier to pick up our order, maybe you should consider hiring more instead of keeping customers waiting on their empty stomach.
I would not use Hurrier again and I will let all my friends know not to use Hurrier again. You are better off going to the Burger's Priest and pick up the food up yourself, if you don't want to starve for 2 hours.