Say what you will about WalMart, but the reality is that they are an extremely successful retail entity that is here to stay and caters to all walks of life. My local WalMart is this one, located in the northwest of Las Vegas, about 13 miles from the Strip, across from Costco somewhat near Aliante (formerly a Station casino). 'Decatur and 215' is popular way to put it.
As many of you know, WalMart is extremely savvy in its competitive pricing. One Walmart will be priced differently than a Walmart located 3 miles away. A LOT of things go into that process including area, local competitors, and demand. Walmart is a retail genius in ensuring that they are truly an unbeatable value in most classifications and my local Walmart is no exception.
The nation's largest employer in retail staffs this Walmart well and there is always a greeter at the door and a person running self checkout. Some WalMarts in rougher parts of town have the greeter mark receipts much like Costco. However at my Walmart, this is not the case.
I go to this 24 hour super enter about twice a week on average to pickup basic needs and random stuff. Any canned goods or boxed foods I generally get at the swap meet which is significantly cheaper than even WM (most swap meet food is from Walmart anyway).
I tend to be a late night WM shopper. I rarely visit before 9pm at night. If you go late enough, there are hardly any customers there and the staff is restocking so be prepared to have to waddle through lots of pallets if new merchandise in the aisles.
Overall, I am a fan of this Walmart and I am glad to call it my local WM SuperCenter.