I am home for Christmas and there are not many yoga studios in the South Hills so I selected the closest one to USC. I have taken years of yoga so I was quite surprised when I took at class at Yoga Flow. The instructor was very nice and really knew what she was doing personally, but the rest left me disappointed. All yoga classes start off with the instructor asking if anyone has any injuries and requests, that did not happen. The teacher is very advanced and watching the entire class of students, we were all about intermediate, including myself. The teacher tried to cover a ton at a fast pace, that was, it seemed, too advanced for our level. I wish she had slowed down and did more appropriate poses for the level of students she had. Poses we could all get to and offer more alternate positions for many levels, which we were. She seemed hyper focused on just getting through the class. Also, she suggested 2 inversions that you must be trained and supervised for months on. This is very dangerous. For this level of student we always place our mats against the wall and the instructor supervisors those who are needed as to not hurt yourself. I asked her afterward why she did not do that and she said "Oh I forgot". Not one OHM was even uttered by the teacher or class. Namaste not so much.