This is not what it used to be. The once mighty and satisfying Mia Pueblo is gone. Residing in its former shell, a slightly more expensive, less traditional restaurant; not a taqueria. The new owner(s) had a simple task, make it a little better. Look at what made the former great, and expand on it. Clean up the dinning room, put out some promotions, gather a stronger base. None of that seems to have happend. Now the Tacos revered by many are dry and tasteless. The snacks are nonexistant and nachos (as if we needed another order of nachos) are sad in both flavor and presentation. I really wanted to like this place. I needed to like this place. I cannot like this place.
The new owners seem very nice, I feel for them. They are obviously putting in the hours. This will not be enough. It is the product and the service that matters. I beg the owners, if it is not too late, bring back the amazing eats. Until then I will pass.
All hail the king of cleveland's mexican grub: La Plaza Supermarket. Learn to make your own mexican. It is the only game in town.