| - On Wednesday Oct 18th we took our 10 y/o Pitbull to VetMed to get an ultrasound, blood work and IV fluids because he was not eating, vomited twice the night before and was lethargic.
We wanted to discard any blockage and make sure his pancreas, liver and kidney functions plus electrolyte levels were normal.
The results came back perfect, no signs of blockage but they recommended to leave him overnight for observation, give him more fluids and some vomiting/nausea meds through his IV.
24 HRS later OUR DOG (whom we left in good shape) WAS NOT ABLE TO WALK NOR MOVE ON HIS OWN AND WAS WHINING NON STOP LIKE HE WAS IN SEVERE PAIN! They couldn't provide us with a reasonable explanation; they decided to take some X-rays to make sure no bones were broken or dislocated.
They never showed us our dog's images, they simply blamed it on his arthritis and they mentioned one of the images showed a rock in his colon (most likely the reason why he didn't want to eat and was vomiting).
They also suggested it might be a "neurological" issue worthy to check.
We were in shock, didn't know what to do and were super concerned about what the next steps would be. They told us to leave him an extra day to provide him with inyectable Rimadyl (Carprofen) and some pain med along with the anti nausea treatment, also they wanted to take an X-ray of his tummy just to make sure there were no more rocks besides the one in his colon.
5 hrs later they called us to take a payment over the phone when what I was expecting was a report on how our dog was doing. I don't mind paying whatever was needed but let me know about my dog first. After we complained, they put a vet on the phone to provide a more comprehensive report; our dog wasn't improving, he wasn't eating, he wasn't having bowel movements and they got him drugged with Hydromorphone.
It was 8:00 pm Thursday Oct. 19th when we decided to go there and take him home, we didn't want our dog spending another night at that place.
We had to wait over 2 hrs to get him discharged and they made us sign an AMA (against medical advice form).
We have no idea what they did to him but we left a dog in good condition and they gave us back our dog in a very fragile state unable to do anything on his own; on top of everything we had to pay them $2,400 for figuring out NOTHING, have our dog under their "care" barely 36 hrs and MESSING HIM UP!