Not impressed upon my first visit here.
A hot summers day pulled on my ice cream heart strings and led me to Gregs. After hearing great things from a few friends I wasn't opposed to the line that stretched out the door...until 15 minutes later when that line barely moved. Peeking in I saw there was only one server on this blistering day trying to cope alone with this massive line up, and to make it worse she was allowing people to try numerous samples and hum and haw over the life altering decision of what flavour to choose. Way to be efficient! Here's a thought: If you only have one staff on a busy summer weekend then have a 1 sample per person limit. Shorter lines, more ppl served, more revenue for your business.
When we finally reached the end of the never-ending non-moving line we got our scoops. Me the toasted marshmallow bc it sounds AMAZING and my bf a chocolate. In retrospect I should have taste tested for 20 minutes like the rest of them but just wanted to gtfout of there at this point.
Well the TORCHED marshmallow was the most horrendous thing I have ever eaten. Tasted like burning, like ash tray, like char, like I was gnawing on a stale fire pit log... so bloody potent and inedible and we had to toss it. And then the gag inducing ash tray taste lingered in our mouth long after... His chocolate was alright, but not 30+ minute lineup alright.
Sorry for cheating on you Bang Bang...we should have spent our time in your line and our money on your never failing scoops.