Terrible experience today! The nail tech hurt me while drilling my nail beds & when I told her she became upset. She then argued w/ me regarding the color I chose. Then the they start speaking to each other in their native language, saying who knows what!?!? The owner, Lynn, comes over & ask the issue then, instead of telling her employee 2 stfu, she tries 2 defend her by saying it needs a coating first... DUH!?! U need 2 direct that training 2 ur employee, NOT me, remember, I'M THE PAYING CUSTOMER!!! I drive 2 far 2 be mistreated by incompetent workers who r defended by owners! I will NOT be back! Also, Lynn called herself fixing my nails, but there are 2 many coats now b/c she put it on top of the 2 coats previously placed; it looks like a lumpy mess!