Well, I asked for a gel manicure and ended up with acrylics. They don't speak great English so when they said something to me, nodding and smiling, I thought they were going to continue with the gel manicure. Instead they started using a drill on the top of my nail and then cut my nails down to the ends. I had been growing my nails out for weeks and they just chopped them off. I tried to say no, I don't want that, but he didn't understand what I was saying. Now that my hands were butchered, they offered to put acrylics on. I don't like acrylics, but what other choice did I have?
The only worse part was the man had warts on his hands. No bandaids or anything, just open sores on his hands and fingers while he was holding my hands. I washed my hands constantly when I got home. God, I hope I don't get any warts.