This isn't the most typical, Fancy Shmancy place. It's a definite family-owned establishment. I appreciate the touch of "family" plus the owners/workers had a great sense of humor.
The groupon deal is what lead me to this place for some 3D mini golf and laser tag action. The 3D was impressive. I was surprised with how well they had arranged it considering the limited space. The amazing groupon deal that I got made the entire experience a steal.
The laser tag is not the most updated or modern technology compared to others I've been to, but it is good enough for their price range. I had so much fun as a group, and definitely kicked some decent butt. Oh wait, I came in first on laser tag. WOOOOOOoooo!
I would consider taking a group of friends or children here. The place is kid-friendly. As I said, it's not the fanciest, but I think the price is very reasonable for what they are offering.