| - The only reason I gave this place one star is because I couldn't give it MINUS one star.
My saga with this place spans nearly three months, but I'll try to be brief.
In late March, I brought a designer handbag into the store for repair. The leather holding the handles to the bag had torn in two places. The man at the counter told me he could fix it and showed me exactly how it would be done, so I felt confident it would be in good hands. The only catch was that he would have to source the leather, which would add an extra week to the repair time. Since the bag is maroon patent-leather (not terribly common), I agreed. He even offered to let me approve the leather sample before proceeding.
Two weeks go by, I still hadn't heard from him about the leather so I call. He still hasn't found a matching leather and needs another week. I say fine.
I was traveling for work, so didn't call again for two weeks. STILL hasn't found the leather, but will likely have it this coming weekend.
I call back the next week. The leather is in! Hooray! I go down to the shop, approve the leather. He says he needs a week for the repair. Fine.
I call back the next week. The bag's not done. He needs to "clean his work area before beginning." Seriously? Says it will be done in a week.
At this point, I'm getting mad.
He calls me on the day I'm supposed to pick it up the following week, says the leather sample he has is too small and he needs to order more. Says it will be done by the following Monday.
Now I'm getting REALLY mad. If you're keeping track, he's now had my bag for two months.
I drive down there the following Monday. He's not there. A nice woman says that the company shipped the wrong color leather and that the bag's not done. Now I've had it. I'm ready to take the bag, get back my deposit and leave for good. However...they've already removed the handles! I tell them I want the handles put back on and I'll be back tomorrow to pick it up.
I call the following day. You guessed it...bag's not done. They don't have the right color thread!!! Says it will be DEFINITELY be done the following morning.
I drive down at 1pm the following day (silently fuming). Is it ready to go? OF COURSE NOT! Says he needs 40 more minutes. I go run some errands, come back an hour later, and still have to wait 15 minutes before it's done. Fortunately, I actually leave there with the bag. A still damaged bag, but at least I don't have to deal with these incompetent fools any longer.
In conclusion, I strongly recommend you not patronize this place for your bag repair needs. Especially if it happens to be maroon patent leather.